They tend to use deactivating strategies when attachment figures are perceived as unavailable, attempting to restore self-sufficiency by defensively inhibiting distress and proximity seeking. They prefer self-reliance and are reluctant to disclose their feelings. Individuals with avoidant attachment have a tendency to mistrust others’ motives and good will and thus attempt to maintain emotional distance in relationships. When the attachment figure is unavailable, the anxiously attached person tends to use hyper-activating strategies such as crying or clinging to restore proximity. Individuals with attachment anxiety tend to be dependent on their relationships, constantly worrying that others will be unavailable or abandon them in situations of need. Adult attachment theory describes two dimensions of insecure attachment, attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance.
Of the several factors that can influence bereavement outcomes, insecure attachment has received growing attention as important in the grieving process. Several previous studies have considered the risk factors and protective factors that are associated with bereavement outcomes. Some people suffer from complicated or prolonged grief symptoms, whereas other individuals experience post-traumatic growth. Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons: Finding the Differenceġ7.Bereavement, especially following a traumatic loss, is a highly stressful life processthat is associated with decrements in mental health.
How to Obtain a One-Way Analysis of Variance Television Viewing, Education, and Internet Use How to Obtain an Independent-Samples T TestĪssumptions Needed for Analysis of VarianceĬomparing the Two Estimates of Variability Interpreting the Observed Significance Level Output from the Two-Independent-Samples T TestĬonfidence Intervals for the Mean Difference Testing a Hypothesis about Two Independent Means Testing a Hypothesis about Two Related Meansġ4. Options: Confidence Level and Missing Dataġ3. Null Hypotheses and Alternative Hypotheses Testing a Hypothesis about a Single MeanĬonfidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests
Counting Responses for Combinations of VariablesĬells: Percentages, Expected Counts, and Residualsġ2. Options: Additional Statistics and Display of LabelsĨ. Layers: Defining Subgroups by More than One Variable Options: Choosing Statistics and Sorting Variables How to Obtain Univariate Descriptive Statistics An Introductory Tour of IBM SPSS StatisticsĬlearing the Data Editor without Saving Changesįormat: Appearance of the Frequency TableĬharts: Bar Charts, Pie Charts, and Histograms GETTING STARTED WITH IBM SPSS STATISTICSĢ.
This unique combination of examples, exercises, and contemporary data gives you hands-on experience in analyzing data and makes learning about data analysis and statistical software relevant, unintimidating, and even fun!Ī data CD-ROM is included with this book. With this book, you'll learn how to describe data, test hypotheses, and examine relationships using PASW.Īuthor Marija Norusis incorporates a wealth of real data, including the General Social Survey and studies of Internet usage, opinions of the criminal justice system, marathon running times, library patronage, and the importance of manners, throughout the examples and expanded chapter exercises. Easy-to-understand explanations and in-depth content make this guide both an excellent supplement to other statistics texts and a superb primary text for any introductory data analysis course. The PASW Statistics 19 Guide to Data Analysis is a friendly introduction to both data analysis and PASW Statistics 19 (formerly SPSS Statistics), the world's leading desktop statistical software package.